1.   In laboratory experiments he has shown that the electrical field of the human entity can affect the contents of the vapour.

2.   It has to incorporate a wide range of factors and develop methods of investigation other than laboratory experiments.

3.   Laboratory experiments have proven that unfamiliar surroundings and a change in daily schedule can lead to sleep problems.

4.   Some of them modify mental as well as bodily functions and have effects beyond the repertoire of conventional laboratory experiments in pharmacology.

5.   Some of these fears were allayed by scientific research findings, such as laboratory experiments with rats.

6.   The laboratory experiment is an obvious case of control, since a complete situation is created by and for the observer.

7.   The use of these routes can be demonstrated in simple laboratory experiments which measure the time taken to start pronouncing single words.

8.   We revealed that monkeys from Longleat and Woburn safari parks have been sold for laboratory experiments.

n. + experiment >>共 417
laboratory 8.78%
science 6.90%
lab 4.44%
gene 3.55%
therapy 3.25%
radiation 2.17%
mouse 1.78%
two-year 0.99%
thought 0.99%
three-year 0.99%
laboratory + n. >>共 317
test 17.12%
animal 6.79%
experiment 5.35%
study 5.17%
mouse 3.18%
analysis 2.88%
work 2.58%
technician 2.46%
rat 2.34%
equipment 2.28%
每页显示:    共 88