1.   It is also important that lab scientists not be blocked from interchange with American universities.

2.   Last week, congressional leaders criticized lab scientists after two computer files, containing information on how to deploy nuclear weapons, turned up missing.

3.   Lawrence Livermore lab spokeswoman Susan Houghton said lab scientists have already established a track record of solving some of the thorny technical challenges presented by the laser project.

4.   One task of lab scientists is figuring out how much bigger.

5.   Richardson said that the security requirements by themselves did not discourage international collaborations or intimidate lab scientists.

6.   The system inspires no second-guessing among devoted lab scientists.

7.   A lab scientist was fired last year after being suspected of mishandling nuclear weapons secrets.

8.   Lab scientists are tightlipped about what germs are available inside.

9.   Lab scientists are tight-lipped about what germs are available inside.

10.   Lab scientists said the stolen ducks were not infected with any diseases that could harm other animals.

n. + scientist >>共 215
computer 18.56%
research 11.47%
government 9.98%
rocket 6.72%
project 2.52%
food 2.43%
university 2.33%
climate 2.05%
weapon 2.05%
lab 1.31%
lab + n. >>共 225
test 12.50%
coat 7.47%
technician 7.05%
result 4.87%
worker 4.36%
work 3.94%
experiment 3.78%
animal 3.69%
official 3.69%
report 2.68%
scientist 1.17%
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