1.   He joined me in a knowing chuckle.

2.   He let loose a knowing chuckle.

3.   Last week, reading from her book at the Alexander Book Co. in downtown San Francisco, Parker drew knowing chuckles and murmurs of assent.

4.   When Berkow added that the response had been unhelpful, the roomful of police chiefs erupted in a knowing chuckle.

a. + chuckle >>共 86
good 7.80%
little 7.80%
deep 3.55%
knowing 2.84%
nervous 2.84%
quiet 2.84%
low 2.13%
rueful 2.13%
wry 2.13%
small 2.13%
knowing + n. >>共 107
smile 15.07%
look 7.31%
wink 5.94%
nod 4.11%
grin 3.20%
eye 2.74%
glance 2.74%
chuckle 1.83%
laugh 1.83%
way 1.83%
每页显示:    共 4