1.   Jim Eggleton was found dead with head injuries and a knife wound shortly after the New Year, but so far police investigations seem to have led nowhere.

2.   Authorities say Raul Ramos Tercero had a knife wound to the neck and may have committed suicide.

3.   Knife wound.

4.   The employee said that the man had a knife wound to his left arm, near his elbow.

n. + wind >>共 679
season 2.45%
road 2.24%
case 1.97%
clock 1.77%
bullet 1.49%
team 1.43%
gunshot 1.15%
path 1.09%
campaign 1.02%
trail 0.95%
knife 0.27%
knife + v. >>共 106
be 31.87%
have 3.30%
cut 2.93%
slip 2.93%
pierce 2.56%
find 1.83%
come 1.83%
make 1.47%
miss 1.47%
fall 1.47%
wind 1.47%
每页显示:    共 4