1.   And if I decide to upgrade, what kind of memory should I get?

2.   But what kind of thermometer should you use for grilling and how do you know it is accurate?

3.   Discussion with other nations with nuclear weapons will focus on whether testing is necessary and if so, what kind of tests should be conducted, Perry said.

4.   -- an agreed list of sites from which NATO could select its targets and a table broadly indicating what kind of violation should draw what kind of response.

n. + shall >>共 437
government 2.22%
investor 1.59%
people 1.27%
woman 1.11%
country 0.95%
man 0.95%
one 0.95%
company 0.95%
team 0.79%
group 0.79%
kind 0.63%
kind + v. >>共 363
be 58.21%
have 3.23%
do 1.86%
make 1.74%
come 1.29%
go 1.25%
happen 1.25%
seem 1.01%
take 0.81%
require 0.73%
shall 0.16%
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