1.   A federal judge ruled Tuesday that the sheep should be killed to prevent the possibility of contaminating American farm animals or food supplies.

2.   After the sheep are killed, their brains will be examined to determine the presence of TSE, said Jim Rogers, a spokesman for the agriculture department.

3.   But in the light of the early morning sun one day last week, Colorado learned that nine sheep had been killed in the pasture next to her house.

4.   Colorado learned that nine sheep had been killed in her pasture.

5.   Farmers believed the eagles were killing sheep and preying on eider ducks, the source of valuable down.

6.   Police say Coumbs told investigators that the dogs killed her sheep, her cat and their own puppies, but denied training the dogs to be vicious.

7.   The local veterinarian who examined two of the dead sheep says a coyote never kills the way these sheep were killed.

8.   The story that haunted us was the sickly memory of the beating of Tenah and Adonis, the two most distant Heyward ancestors, for killing a sheep.

9.   The trackers knew she was the wolf who had been killing their sheep, because they could read her history in her tracks.

10.   There are no statistics to show how many sheep were killed by other predators such as bobcats, eagles and dogs.

v. + sheep >>共 143
clone 8.04%
slaughter 5.80%
kill 4.69%
herd 4.46%
raise 4.46%
count 3.79%
shear 3.35%
take 2.90%
sacrifice 2.90%
import 2.23%
kill + n. >>共 569
people 19.44%
soldier 6.63%
man 4.28%
civilian 3.64%
person 3.01%
policeman 2.48%
woman 1.81%
rebel 1.78%
child 1.75%
hundred 1.41%
sheep 0.05%
每页显示:    共 21