1.   I brought these kids home, and they were all real losers.

2.   And when I finally went home, Ms. Humphrey could send her two kids home with me.

3.   I wanted to be a sweet old uncle, who had all the fun and then sent the kids home to their folks.

4.   In fact, most Palestinian parents succeed in keeping their kids home.

5.   Send the kid home.

6.   So they kept their kids home from school.

7.   So they can leave the kids home alone?

8.   Sometimes having the kids home is a delight.

9.   This is homework parents help with while driving the kids home, preparing dinner, or washing dishes.

n. + home >>共 1088
vacation 3.91%
flight 3.72%
group 3.59%
retirement 3.30%
summer 3.19%
country 3.06%
trip 1.79%
childhood 1.69%
luxury 1.55%
ride 1.50%
kid 0.19%
kid + n. >>共 274
brother 7.17%
sister 5.22%
home 2.61%
movie 1.74%
play 1.74%
show 1.74%
actor 1.30%
right 1.30%
talk 1.30%
get 1.09%
每页显示:    共 12