1.   Gauging what the keyboard market wants is not easy.

2.   NMB has a half-dozen competitors in the multimedia keyboard market.

3.   One of the latest entries into the ergonomic keyboard market is Cazenovia, N.Y.-based Marquardt, which makes a keyboard called MiniErgo.

4.   Sales have been hurt by recent declines in computer memory chip prices and tough competition in the keyboard market.

n. + market >>共 507
bond 12.43%
world 5.98%
currency 4.32%
labor 4.29%
capital 3.09%
job 3.07%
future 2.98%
bull 2.92%
equity 2.70%
export 2.24%
keyboard 0.02%
keyboard + n. >>共 149
player 8.93%
command 4.29%
tray 3.93%
shortcut 3.57%
layout 2.50%
skill 2.14%
manufacturer 1.79%
maker 1.79%
music 1.79%
input 1.43%
market 1.43%
每页显示:    共 4