1.   This is being done for a number of key mathematical topics such as Decimals, ratio, negative numbers and elementary algebra.

2.   Another key topic promises to be the welfare-reform proposal that has cleared the U.S. House of Representatives which would deny cash benefits to non-citizen immigrants.

3.   A weak yen could be the key topic when Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto meets with President Bill Clinton during the APEC gathering.

4.   A weak yen could be a key topic at the meeting.

5.   A weak yen could be the key topic when Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto meets with President Bill Clinton at APEC.

6.   Abortion is a key topic.

7.   Cooperating to combat terrorism will be a key topic for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, which holds its annual summit meeting this weekend in Shanghai.

8.   Gun lawsuits and affirmative action will be among the key topics of discussion during the six-day meeting.

9.   Key topics will include welfare and Medicaid reform, education policy, environmental regulations, and disaster and emergency relief projects.

10.   Resolving conflict is another key topic for behavioral questions.

a. + topic >>共 549
hot 12.51%
main 6.86%
major 4.58%
sensitive 4.20%
specific 2.52%
key 2.21%
controversial 1.98%
important 1.68%
particular 1.49%
popular 1.41%
key + n. >>共 831
player 4.92%
issue 4.43%
role 4.39%
element 1.96%
figure 1.83%
factor 1.81%
part 1.65%
point 1.58%
member 1.51%
question 1.48%
topic 0.22%
每页显示:    共 58