1.   I mean, what better place to put ketchup packets under car tires?

2.   He has also come up with a new ketchup packet with a snap in the corner instead of a tear line.

3.   The lawsuit centers on the fountain supply chain, which provides customers with everything from ketchup packets and french fries to cups and soda.

n. + packet >>共 113
cigarette 12.89%
food 11.46%
information 7.45%
seed 6.59%
foil 5.16%
datum 4.58%
wage 3.72%
sugar 2.29%
surprise 2.29%
drug 1.43%
ketchup 1.15%
ketchup + n. >>共 25
bottle 24.39%
packet 9.76%
sauce 7.32%
heiress 4.88%
stain 4.88%
account 2.44%
brand 2.44%
cap 2.44%
color 2.44%
connection 2.44%
每页显示:    共 4