1.   Gardena free-lance photographer Jim Ober suggests keeping equipment simple and knowing how to use it properly.

2.   In order to minimize cost and keep things simple, the signal levels are non-standard.

3.   Shapes are kept simple - shirts and T-shirts - and fabrics are pure cotton or silk.

4.   Keep it simple and avoid the use of jargon.

5.   If in doubt, keep it simple.

6.   Although some of them have been drafted in an institutional style, others have been deliberately kept simple.

7.   Keep it short, keep it simple.

8.   Either way, keep it simple and get the client to tell you what he thinks.

9.   You can give them children, you can give them anything you like to try and personalise it, but keep it simple.

v. + simple >>共 9
keep 70.94%
make 23.93%
find 1.71%
call 0.85%
want 0.85%
buy 0.43%
consider 0.43%
like 0.43%
put 0.43%
keep + a. >>共 756
alive 10.07%
secret 7.59%
low 5.13%
open 4.09%
warm 3.76%
busy 3.37%
confidential 2.18%
happy 2.08%
afloat 2.04%
simple 1.97%
每页显示:    共 165