1.   How much keeping the springbok would mean is clear from the way the issue is covered in the media here.

2.   For Ms. Neumark, keeping the peace meant no shellfish, no pork, no beef, and no sauces that involved alcohol.

3.   Keeping the animals means Bonnaud is without cash to run his business, and still paying the cost of feeding the already fattened animals.

4.   So, more and more, keeping these employees means keeping them happy.

v. + mean >>共 362
be 8.89%
win 3.50%
go 3.06%
do 2.33%
have 2.04%
move 2.04%
get 1.60%
use 1.46%
lose 1.31%
spending 1.17%
keep 0.58%
keep + v. >>共 138
be 41.53%
open 3.17%
inform 2.65%
pay 1.85%
serve 1.85%
focus 1.59%
depend 1.32%
out 1.32%
shut 1.32%
up 1.32%
mean 1.06%
每页显示:    共 4