1.   A house kept cold a few months each winter is unlikely to cause damage.

2.   A. A house kept cold for one winter should not have any damage to the woodwork, floors or plaster or plasterboard.

3.   Dry and keep cold.

4.   Keep cold in crushed ice-lined bowl.

5.   Keep cold until ready to serve.

6.   On a buffet, hot egg dishes should be kept hot, and cold egg dishes kept cold.

7.   This little black desktop refrigerator with its nostalgic rounded shape is not some cooler with a cute shape that merely keeps cold items cold.

8.   Whip cream and keep cold.

v. + cold >>共 19
be 60.30%
get 10.30%
go 7.56%
turn 4.90%
feel 3.03%
grow 3.03%
run 2.09%
freeze 1.87%
stay 1.59%
seem 1.22%
keep 0.58%
keep + a. >>共 300
quiet 17.81%
warm 14.56%
silent 9.55%
busy 6.26%
alive 3.09%
secret 2.71%
cool 2.54%
refrigerated 1.79%
mum 1.79%
calm 1.67%
cold 0.33%
每页显示:    共 8