1.   After all, he has a jutting chin.

2.   Jutting chin raised contemptuously, Milosevic sat flanked by two guards near seven empty chairs intended for his lawyers.

3.   Jutting chin raised, thin lips fixed in a contemptuous smirk, Milosevic sat flanked by two guards before seven empty chairs intended for his lawyers.

4.   Since the ability to grow such equivalents of a jutting chin indicate robust health, animal mating appears to be driven by a search for the best genes.

5.   Sure, the car clobbers its jutting chin on driveway ramps.

6.   With his jutting chin and cocky strut, George Wallace always looked like a bantam rooster scratching for a fight.

a. + chin >>共 103
weak 4.84%
dimpled 4.30%
strong 4.30%
receding 3.76%
little 3.76%
suspect 3.76%
jutting 3.23%
cleft 2.69%
small 2.69%
determined 2.69%
jutting + n. >>共 21
chin 20.00%
rock 10.00%
bone 6.67%
jaw 6.67%
antenna 3.33%
balcony 3.33%
brow 3.33%
case 3.33%
hip 3.33%
land 3.33%
每页显示:    共 6