1.   A teenager becomes pregnant and has what lawyers call a justifiable fear of abuse if she goes to her parents.

2.   Still, justifiable fears of toxicity have persisted.

3.   Yet, judged by those same pragmatic standards, there are justifiable fears that the deal may unravel.

4.   But unfortunately, there are justifiable fears that such noble aspiration may not be fully realised or even worse, remain elusive.

5.   Refugees are considered people who have a justifiable fear of persecution in their home countries.

6.   Several developing countries barely concealed their dismay at having to buy that line in spite of their justifiable fears.

a. + fear >>共 774
worst 4.81%
public 3.68%
widespread 3.38%
growing 3.19%
biggest 2.46%
new 2.27%
constant 2.14%
lingering 1.70%
greatest 1.65%
same 1.49%
justifiable 0.16%
justifiable + n. >>共 74
homicide 13.42%
reason 12.75%
concern 4.03%
fear 4.03%
pride 4.03%
act 2.68%
cause 2.68%
response 2.68%
claim 2.01%
anger 1.34%
每页显示:    共 6