1.   As a member of a legislative committee he had helped to draw up justice reforms approved by the Constituent Assembly which completed its work in July.

2.   Congress should enact the bold reform proposals that are still awaiting congressional action, bank reform, civil justice reform, tort reform, and my national energy strategy.

3.   And civil justice reform refocused on the issues that most concerned business.

4.   And there is no more stark difference between the presidential candidates than on the issue of so-called civil justice reform.

5.   A rising juvenile crime problem, however, would have forced lawmakers to address juvenile justice reform, with or without Bush.

6.   Bush is refusing to campaign against Democratic legislators who were instrumental in helping him pass civil justice reforms and other legislative programs last year.

7.   Madrazo said the justice reform is not related to the U.S. certification.

8.   The attempts at justice reform have not fared much better.

9.   --Juvenile justice reform.

10.   The center-left is embroiled in a battle with the opposition over justice reforms.

n. + reform >>共 347
campaign 17.26%
finance 14.33%
welfare 13.63%
market 9.37%
tax 7.16%
education 3.96%
free-market 2.81%
government 1.74%
health-care 1.69%
election 1.67%
justice 0.19%
justice + n. >>共 156
system 28.51%
minister 25.35%
ministry 13.18%
official 9.89%
department 3.66%
authority 1.79%
bill 1.66%
spokesman 1.58%
issue 1.12%
portfolio 0.58%
reform 0.50%
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