1.   Bonds and preferred stock with relatively high junk ratings often attract so-called crossover buyers, high-grade debt investors shopping for extra yield.

2.   Both are junk ratings.

3.   A junk rating is possible.

4.   A junk rating means a bond is considered a speculative investment.

5.   A junk rating makes it harder and more expensive to borrow.

6.   All Indonesian corporate debt also has a junk rating.

7.   Companies with junk ratings pay more to borrow and their debt is off-limits for many investors such as banks, which can only own so-called investment-grade debt.

8.   Shares of supermarket operator Yaohan Japan Corp. fell after the Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd. downgraded its bonds, giving them a junk rating.

9.   That puts them at the top rung of the junk ratings.

10.   The junk ratings also mean that these big investors will not be buying more such debt.

n. + rating >>共 273
approval 17.38%
television 12.88%
popularity 4.33%
poll 3.82%
debt 3.54%
risk 2.76%
bond 2.59%
job 2.08%
investment-grade 1.80%
investment 1.74%
junk 0.67%
junk + n. >>共 109
e-mail 27.38%
shop 5.34%
status 4.18%
yard 3.94%
car 3.48%
e-mailer 2.78%
debt 2.78%
science 2.78%
dealer 2.78%
rating 2.78%
每页显示:    共 12