1.   Cyberspace just got hotter for junk mailers.

2.   Junk mailers, meanwhile, claim that government-ordered mandatory language in their messages undercuts their right to communicate freely under the First Amendment.

3.   Like other junk mailers, they must fight for attention and try all kinds of tactics to stand out.

4.   Mind you, my sympathy for the junk mailers is limited.

5.   Most high-volume junk mailers use programs that harvest e-mail addresses from the Internet and then add them to a mailing list.

6.   Sending junk mail to junk mailers?

7.   The bill would require junk mailers to use a valid return address and would let Internet providers and individuals sue spammers.

8.   The courts have been about the only surefire way for AOL to stop junk mailers.

9.   These junk mail filters use various schemes, but most look for the addresses of known junk mailers.

n. + mailer >>共 7
bulk 36.36%
junk 27.27%
campaign 15.15%
business 12.12%
anthrax 3.03%
sample 3.03%
sendmail 3.03%
junk + n. >>共 109
e-mail 27.38%
shop 5.34%
status 4.18%
yard 3.94%
car 3.48%
e-mailer 2.78%
debt 2.78%
science 2.78%
dealer 2.78%
rating 2.78%
mailer 2.09%
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