1.   He held a Junior rank in the infantry.

2.   The army recognises that shoe-horning young junior ranks into a place used to dealing with qualified RAF technicians could be a problem.

3.   A Celtic move set Mowbray up for life financially, and Middlesbrough hit the jackpot with a seven-figure profit for a player from the junior ranks.

4.   He could mature well after coming through the junior ranks.

5.   One treasury suggestion is to cut senior personnel because one estimate shows that junior ranks have taken the brunt of the cuts so far.

6.   And despite the new policies, sexual harassment remains a problem, particularly for women in the junior ranks.

7.   But that means three more years competing in the junior ranks.

8.   Christian Dube withered and ended up back in the junior ranks.

9.   Gibson soon began dominating the junior ranks of the primarily black American Tennis Association, winning three national singles titles.

10.   In the meantime, Atler can continuein the junior ranks, participating in international meets that will allow her to showcase her skills without the pressure the seniors feel.

a. + rank >>共 415
top 7.53%
party 4.17%
republican 3.52%
highest 3.41%
growing 3.03%
military 2.98%
senior 2.82%
high 2.49%
lower 2.44%
higher 2.38%
junior 1.73%
junior + n. >>共 521
year 9.49%
partner 4.77%
season 4.31%
minister 4.16%
officer 4.09%
champion 3.60%
title 2.72%
team 2.66%
hockey 2.56%
coalition 2.08%
rank 0.81%
每页显示:    共 32