1.   And let us certainly demand judicial oversight for their steps.

2.   After the judge took part in a third program, a local cable show, a judicial oversight committee told him to stop the appearances.

3.   But Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who heads a judicial oversight subcommittee, began an investigation of the allegations Thursday.

4.   But with the Bush administration increasingly intent on engaging in domestic spying, often with little or no judicial oversight, we need those protections now more than ever.

5.   Government wiretap authority would be expanded, with reduced judicial oversight.

6.   Giovanni Palombarini, a member of the Superior Council of Magistrates, a kind of judicial oversight body, said the release of suspects would be difficult to reverse.

7.   Legitimate surveillance regimes may need to be modified to reflect the realities of modern communications, but the principles of warranted searches and judicial oversight are not expendable.

8.   No longer can a State avoid judicial oversight by giving, as in this case, genuine and measurable consideration to traditional districting practices.

9.   No longer can a State avoid judicial oversight by giving as in this case genuine and measurable consideration to traditional districting practices.

10.   Privacy advocates like Berman note that the bill gives the government the ability to obtain an array of records and information about individuals, with little judicial oversight.

a. + oversight >>共 265
federal 12.91%
congressional 5.23%
state 4.71%
regulatory 4.51%
lax 2.77%
greater 2.66%
new 2.25%
independent 2.25%
financial 2.05%
public 1.95%
judicial 1.95%
judicial + n. >>共 580
system 12.12%
source 8.46%
official 7.08%
authority 5.34%
review 4.55%
inquiry 3.53%
process 2.97%
investigation 2.31%
nominee 2.19%
police 2.03%
oversight 0.35%
每页显示:    共 19