1.   Congress has gone back into session and most of the judicial branch of government began its annual one-month vacation.

2.   The federal government of the United States of America embodies a separation of powers between the executive, the legislative branch and the judicial branch.

3.   As a result, it helped the judicial branch evolve toward equal-partner status in the three-branch system of government.

4.   A judicial rule book put together by legislators who do not have day-to-day experience with courtrooms would likely be an unworkable intrusion of legislative politics into the judicial branch.

5.   But a deal such as Biden describes would be an unprecedented raid on traditional presidential authority and a threat to the independence of the judicial branch.

6.   But now the very independence and intellectual vigor of the judicial branch of government seem about to save the federal legislators from a spectacular example of their own folly.

7.   But of course, human nature being human nature, the judicial branch has always been infected with politics.

8.   But the independent counsel act seems to require an independent appointment by the judicial branch.

9.   Court TV viewers also think the judicial branch is the part of the government most misreported and oversimplified.

10.   Gov. George W. Bush criticized the Florida Supreme Court on Wednesday, arguing that the judicial branch had overstepped its powers and essentially rewritten the laws of the state.

a. + branch >>共 792
executive 13.87%
local 5.27%
new 4.14%
legislative 3.10%
judicial 1.76%
different 1.61%
military 1.37%
overseas 1.34%
main 1.31%
party 1.10%
judicial + n. >>共 580
system 12.12%
source 8.46%
official 7.08%
authority 5.34%
review 4.55%
inquiry 3.53%
process 2.97%
investigation 2.31%
nominee 2.19%
police 2.03%
branch 1.10%
每页显示:    共 59