1.   You should never judge a person by their looks.

2.   Hence, when judging a person we pay more attention to initial information and discount the later information as being due to the situation.

3.   At Carnival Cruise Lines we do not have any minimum age limits as we judge each person on his or her ability and personality.

4.   I was taught to judge the person head on, as they were.

5.   But critics ask how a computer program can rightly judge a person, even if only in an initial screening.

6.   But I can only judge a person by how he treats me.

7.   But if it is fair to judge a person by his enemies, consider this.

8.   He talks convincingly of growing up poor in a society that seems to judge a person by their possessions, and not the content of their character.

9.   We judge a person to be successful, or popular, or affluent.

10.   After that, the young person would be judged on whether he or she was a potential risk to people in the wider community.

v. + person >>共 639
kill 25.81%
injure 8.24%
arrest 3.45%
wound 3.16%
identify 2.40%
say 1.66%
take 1.50%
detain 1.32%
treat 1.23%
report 1.07%
judge 0.25%
judge + n. >>共 575
case 3.08%
performance 2.35%
people 2.20%
success 2.05%
quality 1.54%
president 1.54%
scandal 1.10%
team 1.03%
player 1.03%
entry 0.95%
person 0.81%
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