1.   Scriven has charged evaluators with the responsibility for judging the merit of an educational practice.

2.   An appointed court official will then judge the merits of each claim, Brimmer said.

3.   Another recent problem, critics say, is that many editors have not moved quickly enough to use newer methods to judge the merits of manuscripts.

4.   Before judging the merits of the case, the high court first must resolve preliminary questions about whether either of those developments should derail the appeal.

5.   For the most part, the on-line services review items only for profanity, leaving it to investors to judge the merits of claims.

6.   It is far too early to judge the merits of the claims, but several things are clear.

7.   Many bankers judge the merits of a bond or stock deal by whether prices rise or at least hold firm after the issue is sold to investors.

8.   Principals and superintendents serve as neutral observers who gather facts and judge the merits of the case.

9.   The ruling showed that the trade panels would judge the merits of a case, a vital reassurance for the United States because it lodges many complaints.

10.   What was also going on here was a crisis in the way esthetic merit is judged.

v. + merit >>共 116
have 41.91%
debate 8.67%
see 5.95%
discuss 3.75%
lack 3.10%
find 2.85%
question 2.33%
argue 1.94%
consider 1.68%
judge 1.55%
judge + n. >>共 575
case 3.08%
performance 2.35%
people 2.20%
success 2.05%
quality 1.54%
president 1.54%
scandal 1.10%
team 1.03%
player 1.03%
entry 0.95%
merit 0.88%
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