1.   A Broward County Circuit Court judge has forbidden the department from using mass search warrants served by law enforcement officers to enter thousands of properties statewide to inspect trees.

2.   Ellis expressed surprise at that comment, and Brosnahan admitted that if the judge forbade his client from seeing the material the defense would proceed anyway.

3.   Even if judges do not forbid pantsuits, many lawyers still think they are taboo.

4.   In some states, judges are forbidding mothers to move out of state, if relocation would make it hard for fathers to see their children.

5.   The judge forbade Bain from talking further to the TKT doctors.

6.   The judge has forbidden witnesses from speaking to media before testifying.

7.   Botton was freed on the same bail, and the judge forbade the two men from meeting with each other.

8.   The economic minister resigned and a judge forbade him from leaving the country.

9.   The judge later forbade them to provide links or addresses for other Web sites that post handbook texts.

10.   The judge forbade the two men from meeting with each other.

n. + forbid >>共 187
law 33.74%
rule 6.82%
government 3.51%
constitution 3.41%
regulation 3.13%
policy 2.94%
heaven 1.80%
agreement 1.61%
religion 1.33%
court 1.23%
judge 1.04%
judge + v. >>共 595
say 9.56%
rule 7.92%
order 6.05%
be 4.88%
have 3.09%
decide 2.20%
dismiss 1.88%
reject 1.69%
find 1.69%
agree 1.65%
forbid 0.07%
每页显示:    共 11