1.   And what are the best criteria for judging applicants.

2.   Applicants are judged on creative talent, knowledge of sports, and ability to fit into the ESPN system.

3.   Clients use the information to judge applicants for credit cards, mortgages and business loans.

4.   In that case, Justice Lewis Powell wrote that diversity is a sufficiently compelling priority for colleges to consider race as one of many factors when judging applicants.

5.   Recruiters struggled to answer the flood of queries, generally saying that each applicant would be judged individually.

6.   This could lead to abuse, such as informing client companies what the applicant looks like instead of judging the applicant on skills and competence.

v. + applicant >>共 193
screen 9.06%
attract 4.44%
reject 4.07%
interview 3.70%
admit 2.40%
accept 2.22%
ask 2.22%
consider 2.22%
find 1.85%
notify 1.85%
judge 1.11%
judge + n. >>共 575
case 3.08%
performance 2.35%
people 2.20%
success 2.05%
quality 1.54%
president 1.54%
scandal 1.10%
team 1.03%
player 1.03%
entry 0.95%
applicant 0.44%
每页显示:    共 6