1.   As it is, Morris is not altogether pleased when he watches other filmmakers use re-enactments to strive for a kind of journalistic objectivity.

2.   At the same time -- and this is not a complaint -- he gives the lie to the myth of journalistic objectivity.

3.   A black belt in karate who put himself through Fordham University repairing electronic equipment, Calacanis makes no pretense to vaunted journalistic objectivity.

4.   But some wonder whether all the reporter chit-chat with Simpson has more to do with his legendary charisma than journalistic objectivity.

5.   Forgive me a lapse in journalistic objectivity.

6.   It deals sympathetically with the Israelis, while it treats the Palestinians with a cool journalistic objectivity.

7.   Q. What is journalistic objectivity?

8.   There are no finger-wagging experts, no false displays of journalistic objectivity.

a. + objectivity >>共 33
journalistic 17.02%
a 4.26%
greater 4.26%
historical 4.26%
judicial 4.26%
complete 4.26%
scientific 4.26%
total 4.26%
buttoned-down 2.13%
cartesian 2.13%
journalistic + n. >>共 318
ethic 4.98%
standard 4.81%
integrity 2.49%
career 2.32%
objectivity 1.33%
privilege 1.33%
team 1.16%
credentials 1.16%
equivalent 1.16%
freedom 1.16%
每页显示:    共 8