1.   I placed the envelope in my jacket pocket and left him to join the corporal in the corridor.

2.   Stephanie finally took it off the hook and left to join the big party that was under way in the seminar room.

3.   Both took on-campus apartments initially but left to join their partners in housing that they said was much farther away and more expensive.

4.   After graduating, he went to work for Amoco, but left to join the Army in World War II.

5.   Farm animals had been shot or left to join the many stray cats and dogs wandering the fields.

6.   Friday, he made an appearance at Giants Stadium, staying out of the locker-room area, then left to join the Giants at the restaurant.

7.   Schwartz worked briefly for Helmsley, then left to join the Spear Co.

8.   The no-confidence bid, scheduled for Monday, could prove serious if rightist opposition groups join with the Arab left to topple Rabin.

v. + leave >>共 359
be 10.62%
turn 5.86%
opt 4.54%
die 3.10%
rise 2.32%
open 2.21%
say 2.10%
pack 1.77%
single 1.33%
return 1.33%
join 0.88%
join + v. >>共 106
form 9.30%
leave 4.65%
be 4.07%
fight 4.07%
create 2.91%
defend 2.33%
make 2.33%
pass 1.74%
save 1.74%
say 1.74%
每页显示:    共 8