1.   Post-war development of parachutes acting as brakes on jet aircraft are also covered in this rarely written about subject.

2.   As they focused their training on jet aircraft, the Florida contingent shifted its base to suburban Broward and Palm Beach counties.

3.   Atlantic Southeast, a feeder airline for Delta, said last month it will deploy four jet aircraft from British Aerospace plc from its Atlanta hub in December.

4.   Before the jet age could begin in earnest, the safety of jet aircraft had to be proved.

5.   Bush has questioned whether the Pentagon should stick with Clinton administration plans to buy three new types of jet aircraft for the military.

6.   But transmitters in ocean freighters, on jet aircraft and those used by ham radio operators are much less powerful.

7.   Ex-Im also announced that it is negotiating an agreement with Russia to consider finance for export of large U.S. commercial jet aircraft to Russia.

8.   FOD is bad around jet aircraft.

9.   For companies that do not want to buy planes outright, an increasingly popular option is fractional ownership of jet aircraft.

10.   Garza said Almihdhar and Alhazmi started out wanting to fly Boeing jet aircraft, but he steered them to Cessnas instead.

n. + aircraft >>共 227
fighter 10.11%
reconnaissance 7.16%
transport 6.72%
surveillance 5.76%
passenger 4.94%
jet 3.39%
government 3.25%
attack 3.03%
cargo 2.44%
fixed-wing 2.36%
jet + n. >>共 311
fuel 13.19%
ski 4.28%
plane 3.84%
aircraft 3.33%
pilot 3.19%
service 2.97%
travel 2.83%
crash 2.32%
pack 2.03%
attack 1.88%
每页显示:    共 46