1.   Shiona was unaware that her jaw had dropped open.

2.   Her jaw dropped as the woman walked past her and stopped by the car.

3.   And her jaw drops so low, you expect it to shatter.

4.   And his jaw just about dropped.

5.   As jaws drop in the audience, Carney lifts his hands in mock apology.

6.   As our children came in the next morning and discovered the atrocity, their jaws dropped in horror.

7.   At the end, he opened up into the full tenor voice and my jaw dropped.

8.   Beforehand, Williams had picked up a book about Walker, and his jaw dropped a little lower with each turn of the page.

9.   But if the Sonics manage to return to the Western Conference finals or better, jaws will drop in celestial wonder.

10.   But when that kick went wide left, jaws dropped in astonishment.

n. + drop >>共 1591
price 8.40%
stock 3.41%
temperature 2.39%
prosecutor 2.38%
rate 2.11%
plane 2.00%
government 1.63%
helicopter 1.51%
share 1.51%
sale 1.44%
jaw 0.55%
jaw + v. >>共 72
be 22.77%
drop 20.54%
clench 3.57%
tighten 3.13%
hit 2.23%
jut_out 2.23%
ache 1.79%
fall 1.79%
heal 1.79%
miss 1.79%
每页显示:    共 46