1.   Can Japanese beetles cause a grub problem in the lawn?

2.   Could it be persuaded, perhaps, to take on a few Japanese beetles?

3.   Grinding up old insect bodies such as Japanese beetles in a blender and combining them with water makes a good antibug spray, biodegradable, organic, and safe.

4.   George confirmed that Japanese beetles, deer and raccoons have receded into minor problems now that his golden retriever with an appetite for fresh vegetables is ravaging the crops.

5.   Handpicking other leaf skeletonizers like Japanese beetles and two-banded Japanese weevils is the safest control at this stage in their life cycle.

6.   I hate to admit to ignorance, but would you please tell me how these small worms can catch Japanese beetles.

7.   I spent most of my time battling Japanese beetles and a dozen varieties of American insects, ranging from fleas to cutworms.

8.   I also like to maintain a communications link with home, to remind my semifarmer son to keep the squash picked and watch out for Japanese beetles.

9.   I was awed by the engineering that enabled each specimen to be guarded from chewing and sucking predators like Japanese beetles, thrips and midges.

10.   It will be effective against Japanese beetles, and perhaps other bugs.

a. + beetle >>共 81
japanese 12.82%
adult 7.05%
asian 5.77%
black 5.13%
longhorned 5.13%
carrion 2.56%
little 2.56%
fire-colored 1.92%
checkered 1.92%
big 1.92%
japanese + n. >>共 768
yen 5.69%
government 5.37%
company 4.46%
stock 3.72%
official 3.37%
bank 2.34%
market 2.30%
economy 2.09%
exporter 1.85%
investor 1.78%
beetle 0.05%
每页显示:    共 20