1.   Good-guy Bush in the White House would be like jail break for GOP House crazies like Reps. Tom DeLay and Dan Burton.

2.   International police monitors confirmed the jail break.

3.   Jail break.

4.   Opposition politicians have blamed earlier jail breaks on the connivance of officials.

5.   Police have ordered an inquiry into the jail break and suspended three prison wardens.

6.   Badly overcrowded, conditions at Korydallos have frequently led to mass jail breaks and violent prison riots during which several inmates have died.

7.   Badly overcrowded conditions at Korydallos have frequently led to mass jail breaks and violent prison riots during which several inmates have died.

8.   Haitian officials apparently do not want Francois extradited, since they have no maximum security prison and jail breaks are common.

9.   It was not immediately clear how the power failure was connected to the jail break.

n. + break >>共 459
tax 48.80%
lunch 6.87%
summer 3.71%
holiday 1.91%
weekend 1.60%
price 1.06%
prison 1.03%
bathroom 0.97%
two-week 0.94%
three-day 0.76%
jail 0.76%
jail + n. >>共 275
term 24.43%
sentence 21.76%
time 13.89%
cell 8.09%
official 3.66%
guard 2.17%
inmate 1.21%
condition 1.21%
break 1.05%
jumpsuit 0.81%
每页显示:    共 34