1.   Another possible scenario would be that issuers must buy back existing notes from investors.

2.   Commonly, the issuers buy a mix of ordinary Treasury securities and special zero-interest or very-low-interest Treasury paper issued specifically for escrow accounts.

3.   The non-callable bonds include a sinking-fund provision, which enables the issuer to buy back the bonds early.

4.   To comply with that law, issuers typically buy a mix of ordinary Treasury securities in the open market or special securities, called slugs, from the Treasury.

n. + buy >>共 1188
investor 11.84%
people 7.38%
company 7.04%
consumer 3.69%
customer 3.04%
money 2.78%
government 2.08%
trader 1.95%
fund 1.52%
bank 1.30%
issuer 0.05%
issuer + v. >>共 142
be 12.04%
have 6.02%
pay 3.34%
include 2.68%
say 2.68%
use 2.34%
offer 2.01%
raise 2.01%
deduct 1.67%
make 1.67%
buy 1.34%
每页显示:    共 4