1.   Chen will not give speeches, issue statements or hold news conferences.

2.   Some diocese issue financial statements.

3.   Spokesmen for several Republicans, including House Budget Chairman John Kasich and Senate Budget Chairman Pete Domenici, said the lawmakers may issues statements later today.

4.   What it has done is issue varying public statements about the presence of al-Qaida.

5.   Although the group is widely tolerated and even allowed to hold rallies and issue statements, existing laws are expected to thwart its bid to become legal.

6.   Each station will decide which candidates and races to give the airtime, which may be used for debates, interviews or issue statements during local newscasts.

7.   The bishops laid out proposed issue statements and resolutions in their morning session.

8.   The bishops discussed proposed issue statements and resolutions, which could be amended before the bishops vote on Tuesday.

9.   The defense ministry often leaks such reports to the Greek media but rarely issues statements on them.

10.   The French-based group is linked to the outlawed church and often issues statements for it.

n. + statement >>共 494
government 9.94%
ministry 8.16%
police 7.16%
army 4.85%
policy 4.28%
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issue + n. >>共 401
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