1.   Apart from a couple of one-liners, Gore let his issue agenda speak to his opponent.

2.   Bass and Sununu could not accept their awards personally because they were at a congressional retreat where they were trying to devise an issue agenda for their party.

3.   After the speech Saturday, Butler is likely to add to his agenda the issue of a time frame for completing inspections, Iraqi and U.N. officials say.

4.   After the speech Saturday, Butler is likely to add to his agenda the issue of a time frame for completing inspections, Iraqi and United Nations officials say.

5.   But Buchanan, who has no formal speaking role at the convention, suggested during a news conference that his issues agenda is more important than remaining a Republican.

6.   Democrats are particularly unsettled because before the attacks, polls showed the country was more in tune with their issue agenda of Social Security, health care and education.

7.   He vowed to keep up a battle for his issue agenda, ranging from overhauling the campaign finance law to mixing moderate tax cuts with debt reduction.

8.   Taking care not to sound cavalier about the attacks, Democrats said they were confident that the issue agenda would eventually turn back in their favor.

9.   The ad says George W. Bush offers a positive issue agenda while Gore is spending his time on the attack.

10.   They also presented an issue agenda, the Contract With America.

n. + agendum >>共 193
summit 10.07%
reform 6.37%
education 5.63%
policy 5.19%
conference 3.70%
trade 3.56%
campaign 3.26%
action 2.22%
research 2.22%
talk 1.93%
issue 1.63%
issue + n. >>共 401
ad 9.51%
number 6.24%
advertisement 3.45%
advertising 3.45%
price 3.26%
advocacy 1.86%
group 1.12%
remains 1.12%
paper 1.12%
market 1.12%
agendum 1.03%
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