1.   In a separate incident Israeli troops patrolling their side of the border near Zarit were attacked by missiles from inside Lebanon.

2.   There was no mention in the document of Israeli troop withdrawals, nor of territorial demarcations.

3.   Some reports claimed that regular Lebanese forces had fired on Israeli troops positioned within the security zone.

4.   Israeli troops have withdrawn into their self-declared security zone in Southern Lebanon.

5.   AN ARTILLERY duel was fought between Israeli troops and guerrillas in southern Lebanon yesterday, killing two people and wounding two others.

6.   Almost immediately after renegotiating the last stalled land-for-peace deal, he began withdrawing Israeli troops and administrators from more disputed corners of the West Bank.

7.   Along the way, Palestinians fired on the procession and Israeli troops responded with shells from a tank perched nearby.

8.   Also in contention were timetables for further Israeli troop withdrawals from occupied Arab areas.

9.   Also, Israeli troops arrested two men in central Israel with rifles, grenades and an explosives belt.

10.   Although thousands of people marched in funerals for four people killed the day before, there were only brief clashes with Israeli troops.

a. + troop >>共 411
israeli 21.21%
russian 13.37%
american 4.83%
french 2.63%
indian 2.58%
british 2.51%
foreign 2.38%
peacekeeping 2.19%
turkish 1.75%
iraqi 1.69%
israeli + n. >>共 522
soldier 9.04%
troop 8.97%
army 7.42%
official 5.03%
force 3.54%
government 2.92%
police 2.15%
tank 2.03%
security 1.84%
leader 1.69%
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