1.   Bashar Assad has been warned by the Bush administration not to permit Hezbollah to provoke an Israeli retaliation against Syria.

2.   But in the soured climate, there is an increased danger of unplanned escalation to war from a terrorist or Hezbollah attack and Israeli retaliation.

3.   But sporadic violence and the specter of an all-fronts Israeli retaliation prompted Washington to dispatch Tenet to try to cement the cease-fire.

4.   Even if he does act, Arafat appeared unlikely to be able to deter an Israeli retaliation.

5.   Inevitably, local militants somewhere will react violently, bringing on Israeli retaliation, some predicted.

6.   Inevitably, local militants somewhere will react explosively, bringing on Israeli retaliation, some predicted.

7.   Israeli retaliation was inevitable, but the will to sustain such casualties seems to be fading.

8.   It had been damaged in a previous Israeli retaliation strike.

9.   Jenin became a likely target for an Israeli retaliation.

10.   Jenin would be a likely target for an Israeli retaliation.

a. + retaliation >>共 194
israeli 12.88%
possible 11.15%
military 8.56%
apparent 7.69%
serb 4.33%
massive 3.46%
harsh 2.69%
unspecified 2.40%
further 2.31%
political 1.83%
israeli + n. >>共 522
soldier 9.04%
troop 8.97%
army 7.42%
official 5.03%
force 3.54%
government 2.92%
police 2.15%
tank 2.03%
security 1.84%
leader 1.69%
retaliation 0.20%
每页显示:    共 133