1.   The decree noted that the creation of the Council was in fulfilment of the Islamic injunction on the umma to engage in consultations.

2.   Had they been married Sadiq said the couple would have been stoned to death in keeping with strict Islamic injunctions.

3.   The lawyer, Mahmoud Abu el-Feid, had argued it told the story of the prophet Joseph, violating an Islamic injunction against portraying prophets.

4.   Pakistan on Friday announced a strict new electoral code that bars violators of Islamic injunctions and defaulters on taxes and bank loans from contesting elections.

a. + injunction >>共 76
preliminary 43.09%
temporary 17.21%
permanent 10.59%
interim 2.06%
emergency 1.91%
federal 1.62%
legal 1.47%
biblical 1.47%
similar 1.47%
immediate 1.18%
islamic 0.59%
islamic + n. >>共 391
militant 15.38%
group 11.30%
law 6.04%
state 3.47%
extremist 3.15%
fundamentalist 2.97%
country 2.19%
movement 2.13%
militia 1.99%
rule 1.68%
injunction 0.02%
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