1.   Because the crush of camera crews following Bush seemed to irritate voters rather than entice them, Bush retreated to his suite at the Residence Inn in Merrimack.

2.   Knowing that Mrs. Clinton irritates many voters they want to attract, Democratic operatives have debated for months what to do with her here in her hometown.

3.   Knowing that Mrs. Clinton irritates many voters they want to attract, operatives have debated for months what to do with her here in her hometown.

4.   Berlusconi has kept a low profile during the campaign, fearing that any intense involvement on his part could irritate voters and drive them away.

v. + voter >>共 539
woo 3.47%
attract 3.43%
register 3.31%
alienate 2.93%
intimidate 2.58%
sway 2.48%
court 2.07%
turn 2.00%
reach 1.91%
influence 1.46%
irritate 0.13%
irritate + n. >>共 190
skin 6.55%
eye 4.46%
people 3.27%
official 2.68%
leader 2.38%
government 2.08%
nerve 2.08%
viewer 1.79%
lung 1.79%
opponent 1.79%
voter 1.19%
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