1.   The iron rule of the Market has been much less obvious than was the rule of the military during the cold war.

2.   An iron rule of politics is being tested anew here.

3.   His iron rule drew wide condemnation in the West.

4.   Many people think his iron rule is at least partly responsible for the extremism he is now struggling against.

5.   Spain, which once stagnated under the iron rule of Generalissimo Francisco Franco, now appears to be flourishing as a democracy and a member of NATO.

6.   Suharto imposed an iron rule that lasted three decades.

7.   The defections represented the hardest internal blow yet to the iron rule of Saddam.

8.   The slacks were for the Ritz bar, because they have an iron rule against Bluejeans, lest some dowager pitch into her martini in cardiac arrest.

9.   A philosopher might say it covers a much greater distance -- from communism to capitalism, from iron rule to freedom.

10.   But that was nothing compared to the iron rule they imposed on Rwandan refugees.

n. + rule >>共 1461
ground 4.72%
trade 3.77%
safety 3.39%
work 3.11%
government 2.31%
election 2.15%
court 2.13%
league 1.82%
ethic 1.77%
team 1.68%
iron 0.25%
iron + n. >>共 451
bar 12.76%
ore 6.20%
fist 4.32%
rod 3.58%
shot 3.44%
play 2.98%
gate 2.66%
grip 2.30%
fence 2.25%
deficiency 1.88%
rule 0.92%
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