1.   After the fire investigators tested a similar oxygen canister to determine whether it could generate enough heat to cause the fire.

2.   Defense Department investigators tested a sample of the cable and found that it broke at roughly two-thirds of the minimum strength required by military specifications.

3.   Hawthorn said he is not even sure investigators are testing the right footwear.

4.   Investigators have tested what might happen to the rudder if a cable running from the cockpit to the tail were sheered, or if weight were put on it.

5.   Investigators are testing the track in that section and taking apart the truck itself.

6.   Investigators later tested bacteria samples from people who had been sick in the same time period in New York, another state where Fancy Cutt had sent its lettuce.

7.   It will be later this week before scientists learn whether spores were present in her home, which investigators tested Tuesday.

8.   Lauber said investigators would also test for flaws in three sections of track that were removed from the place where the gouge marks began.

9.   On Thursday night, investigators were testing for anthrax at several mail collection spots in the neighborhood.

n. + test >>共 766
company 5.54%
researcher 3.63%
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athlete 2.35%
official 2.04%
doctor 1.91%
player 1.86%
team 1.42%
swimmer 1.29%
lab 1.15%
investigator 0.84%
investigator + v. >>共 473
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believe 5.01%
be 4.75%
try 3.04%
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