1.   Federal investigators also faulted Johnson for not detecting the losses.

2.   Investigators also faulted those hired to operate the machines.

3.   Investigators also faulted state police managers for not training pilots in emergency proceedures.

4.   Investigators faulted the company for not keeping workers free from hazards.

5.   Government investigators have faulted the FDA in recent years for taking too long to notify drug companies of manufacturing problems and not making sure those problems are corrected.

n. + fault >>共 111
critic 13.08%
report 8.85%
analyst 5.77%
group 3.85%
official 3.08%
double 2.69%
people 1.92%
investigation 1.92%
investigator 1.92%
expert 1.54%
investigator + v. >>共 473
say 22.56%
find 5.91%
believe 5.01%
be 4.75%
try 3.04%
look 2.56%
have 2.50%
determine 1.72%
suspect 1.69%
question 1.29%
fault 0.04%
每页显示:    共 5