1.   As the investigation progressed, her memory seemed to fade along with it.

2.   As the investigation progressed, Hawaii and Missouri issued cease-and-desist orders to keep Omega from marketing itself there.

3.   As the investigation progressed, the warnings slowly intensified until just before he was detained, Perez said.

4.   Giorgio and his superiors said the investigation had progressed to the point where they would have arrested McDowell, whose whereabouts were roughly known, within weeks.

5.   The investigation has progressed far enough to rule out mechanical, electrical or signal failure, Mabardy said.

6.   Yet as the investigation has progressed, the White House has adopted a somewhat different justification for keeping mum.

7.   Palestinian police have said their investigation is progressing, but that they would not hand over any suspects to Israel.

8.   As the investigation progressed, the UNP sponsored a no-confidence motion to try to push Samaraweera from office.

9.   As the investigations progressed, bank customers involved in the scheme were encouraged to turn themselves in and make back payments to avoid proescution.

10.   Earlier Wednesday, Police Chief Bernard Parks indicated the investigation was progressing slowly.

n. + progress >>共 362
talk 4.77%
day 4.51%
season 4.42%
game 4.33%
work 3.80%
disease 3.01%
negotiation 2.56%
week 1.59%
case 1.50%
year 1.50%
investigation 1.06%
investigation + v. >>共 441
be 26.92%
continue 12.66%
find 4.90%
begin 4.35%
show 3.86%
reveal 3.00%
take 2.82%
lead 2.69%
focus 1.99%
indicate 1.61%
progress 0.17%
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