1.   Moreover, the investigation faulted Vladeck for having an appearance of a conflict of interest.

2.   Subsequent investigations faulted ValuJet for hiring sub-contractors who improperly handled maintenance for the airline.

3.   That investigation specifically faulted direct-care staff for failing to report injuries likely caused by abuse and neglect.

4.   The investigation faulted the legislative liaison office for not having procedures for ensuring that talking points were approved prior to their release.

5.   The investigation faulted the legislative liason office for not having procedures for ensuring that talking points were approved prior to their release.

n. + fault >>共 111
critic 13.08%
report 8.85%
analyst 5.77%
group 3.85%
official 3.08%
double 2.69%
people 1.92%
investigation 1.92%
investigator 1.92%
expert 1.54%
investigation + v. >>共 441
be 26.92%
continue 12.66%
find 4.90%
begin 4.35%
show 3.86%
reveal 3.00%
take 2.82%
lead 2.69%
focus 1.99%
indicate 1.61%
fault 0.07%
每页显示:    共 5