1.   And it said it would introduce quotas for the number of stones it was prepared to buy from diamond mines.

2.   Most parties have tried to secure a more equal sexual balance by introducing quotas for party posts and electoral candidates.

3.   It would introduce quotas for proportional representation in the army courts and other bodies and give ethnic Albanians a degree of self-rule by granting local governments broader authority.

4.   Last week, the South African Rugby Union told provincial teams to include players of color or it would introduce quotas.

5.   On Thursday, he said, the government would introduce import quotas on grain and start purchasing Polish grain.

6.   Portugal plans a clampdown on immigration, introducing quotas and deporting illegal immigrants, the recently elected conservative government announced Thursday.

7.   Some have opposed the measure because they say it would introduce quotas into French society.

8.   In exchange the European Commission will ask that Russia not raise its import duties on European textiles and that it not introduce quantitative quotas, Litviakov continued.

9.   And it was the US poultry industry that suffered first when Washington introduced tough new quotas on Russian steel imports this year.

10.   Juppe unveiled his proposals in an unprecedented debate in the National Assembly which comes amid heated debate about the controversial option of introducing quotas for women legislators.

v. + quota >>共 234
set 8.16%
meet 6.82%
impose 5.79%
fish 3.93%
have 2.79%
increase 2.69%
fill 2.17%
oppose 2.17%
raise 2.07%
use 1.96%
introduce 1.24%
introduce + n. >>共 1624
legislation 10.63%
bill 9.42%
measure 3.11%
product 2.33%
reform 1.88%
resolution 1.67%
system 1.34%
law 1.33%
model 1.04%
amendment 1.04%
quota 0.14%
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