1.   But the very act of liberals accentuating the positive is what is likely to intrigue political scientists, historians and economists.

2.   Scientists became intrigued by the rock, which appeared to have come from outer space.

3.   But scientists are particularly intrigued by the underlying physics and mathematics of this field of research, and its philosophical implications.

4.   Emperors have some other characteristics that intrigue scientists, including their ability to hunt for prey at great depths.

5.   It is only suggestive evidence, not proof, but enough to intrigue other scientists.

6.   It is the microbial and other forms of life found thriving on the chimneys that especially intrigue scientists.

7.   Polar bears intrigue scientists in many ways.

8.   Questions about whether snakes ever had limbs and how they might have lost them have long intrigued scientists.

9.   Scientists are intrigued by clues that this region is also involved in language processing and in distinguishing right from left.

v. + scientist >>共 331
say 9.35%
include 4.78%
have 2.61%
divide 2.28%
intrigue 1.96%
baffle 1.74%
lead 1.30%
leave 1.30%
take 1.20%
bring 1.09%
intrigue + n. >>共 103
scientist 9.14%
people 4.06%
researcher 3.55%
child 3.05%
investor 2.54%
official 2.54%
aspect 2.54%
viewer 2.03%
story 2.03%
investigator 2.03%
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