1.   Even adults may not be able to restrain a smile at this goofy motif, cleverly interwoven as it is into an intricate scheme of predestination.

2.   He is constantly chatting with his players and with his coaches and devising intricate defensive schemes that are challenging.

3.   Recent winners, frustrated at the start of the new year, have been targets of intricate defensive schemes.

4.   Some would-be immigrants have intricate schemes for getting false papers, including paying tribal chiefs in rural areas to make false certifications of who their parents are.

5.   Whereas before it seemed that success depended on the luck of the bounce, now many teams have intricate schemes of covering the kick.

6.   The Times said investigators have uncovered intricate schemes in Texas, California, New York and Florida.

a. + scheme >>共 855
new 6.63%
grand 3.18%
defensive 2.91%
alleged 2.40%
similar 2.23%
such 2.16%
insurance 1.93%
offensive 1.86%
pilot 1.79%
blocking 1.45%
intricate 0.20%
intricate + n. >>共 437
pattern 5.69%
design 3.95%
detail 3.72%
system 2.79%
network 1.97%
web 1.97%
carving 1.39%
plot 1.28%
work 1.05%
issue 0.81%
scheme 0.70%
每页显示:    共 6