1.   Amevive is taken by injection or intravenous tube.

2.   An intravenous tube was considered, but was not needed.

3.   An intravenous tube feeds him nourishment.

4.   Another girl makes a zero out of an intravenous feeding tube, since her mother is in the hospital, dying of cancer.

5.   At last, the couple located Morey, swathed in blankets and lying alone in an incubator, his intravenous tubes intact.

6.   Because the little girl tore at the intravenous tubes, her arms were strapped to her hospital bed.

7.   A tax is an intravenous tube stuck into individuals and flowing into the state.

8.   According to Ranariddh, Pol Pot, suffering from malaria and other ailments, was carried off in a sling, intravenous tubes dangling from his arms.

9.   But her doctors said she was still weak and was being fed through an intravenous tube.

10.   Dehydrated, Padilla spent two days hooked to an intravenous tube this week.

a. + tube >>共 340
feeding 9.22%
plastic 7.06%
breathing 6.98%
feed 4.05%
intravenous 3.96%
fluorescent 3.01%
metal 2.84%
thin 2.50%
tiny 2.24%
small 2.15%
intravenous + n. >>共 116
drug 21.60%
fluid 13.03%
drip 11.77%
line 5.94%
tube 5.26%
antibiotic 4.57%
infusion 3.66%
injection 2.86%
treatment 2.63%
heparin 1.49%
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