1.   Several devices that have been successful in modern surgery include hip replacements, contact and intraocular lenses, heart pacemakers and so on.

2.   Intraocular lens to replace lens clouded by cataracts.

3.   The intraocular lens is made from polymethyl methacrylate, and is said to be more biocompatible with the eye.

4.   Alcon researches, develops, manufactures and markets ophthalmic products, including surgical instruments and accessory products, intraocular lenses, prescription drugs and contact lens care solutions.

5.   Although the intraocular lens is by far the most popular choice, there are advantages and disadvantages to each type of lens replacement.

6.   Intraocular lens devices are used in surgical procedures that involve removing the human eye lens and replacing it with a small sterile implant.

a. + lens >>共 264
wide-angle 3.82%
corrective 3.45%
long 3.27%
different 3.09%
soft 2.73%
disposable 2.36%
thick 2.18%
new 2.00%
special 2.00%
plastic 1.82%
intraocular 1.09%
intraocular + n. >>共 2
lens 60.00%
pressure 40.00%
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