1.   Cocaine and methamphetamine both increase the amount of dopamine and speed up the interval clock or its equivalent elsewhere in the brain.

2.   It is in growing older that most people will experience the vagaries of the interval clock.

3.   Musicians use their interval clocks to simultaneously measure not just the beat but the phrase, the crescendos and innuendoes.

4.   People use interval clocks when engaged in music or sports.

5.   The human interval clock is running all the time as people unconsciously monitor the timing of external events and respond to them.

6.   The interval clock has drawn the interest of medical researchers.

7.   When dopamine levels are high, as in childhood, the nervous system is extremely active and the interval clock runs faster.

8.   When levels of dopamine fall naturally with age, the nervous system and its interval clock both slow down.

n. + clock >>共 135
wall 12.46%
countdown 7.90%
play 4.56%
kitchen 3.95%
carriage 3.04%
o 2.74%
interval 2.43%
scoreboard 2.13%
desk 1.82%
computer 1.52%
interval + n. >>共 24
clock 18.60%
training 16.28%
lead 11.63%
defender 4.65%
workout 4.65%
abnormality 2.33%
activity 2.33%
advantage 2.33%
break 2.33%
category 2.33%
每页显示:    共 8