1.   The other cause, usually in animals convalescing indoors, is a superimposed bacterial infection of the imperfectly healed lungs leading to acute interstitial pneumonia.

2.   Called unspecific interstitial pneumonia, the disease has cropped up in nine current and former workers for Microfibres Inc., which makes nylon velvet fabric.

3.   The lung damage of interstitial pneumonia can heal if the source of exposure is removed before permanent scarring occurs.

4.   The trainer died from a severe lung infection known as interstitial pneumonia.

a. + pneumonia >>共 63
bronchial 14.48%
viral 12.22%
bacterial 6.33%
walking 5.88%
severe 4.98%
community-acquired 4.52%
acute 4.07%
developed 4.07%
developing 2.71%
recurring 2.71%
interstitial 1.81%
interstitial + n. >>共 15
pneumonia 14.81%
cystitis 11.11%
emphysema 11.11%
nephritis 11.11%
collagen 7.41%
fibrosis 7.41%
segment 7.41%
condensation 3.70%
fluid 3.70%
lung 3.70%
每页显示:    共 4